
Showing posts with the label cyber security

Labcorp suffers a data breach

Data breaches are happening more frequently than most companies are willing to admit. Labcorp, one the nation’s largest medical diagnostic companies, released a statement yesterday stating that it is investigating a possible Data breach that may have occurred over the weekend. I applaud Labcorp for coming forth so early in the breach response process. What sets a company apart from pack is not only their efforts to prevent and breaches,  but how the structure their breach response polices. More than ever it is essential that effected parties are notified as soon as possible,  to prevent further harm to the party and further reputational harm to the company. You can read more about the Labcorp data breach clicking the hyperlinked text.

Cyber Threat Life Cycle

A Target threat is when attackers make a conscious effort to attack a particular organization. So they take their time to study the origination systems and strategically plan the attack. There several common steps that an attacker takes during a targeted threat. Several Steps in a Target Threat Life Cycle: External Reconnaissance occurs when attackers collect intelligence on HOW to successfully attack. The look for unpatched systems, ip address ranges, open ports and target endpoints. Breach (Penetration of the permitter)  i s achieved using one of the many tactics used to gain access such as : social engineering , phishing, vishing, brute force attacks, tailgating, drive by download ect.  Internal Reconnaissance is when the attackers collect intelligence on the internal system, by reviewing the system and search for admin accounts that they can hijack. Lateral Movement phase occurs when the attackers take control of the clients, servers, active directory domain controller. 

How Does Social Engineering work?

Social engineering occurs when an attacker deceives and or manipulates a user into providing confidential and personally identifiable information (PII) t he for fraudulent purposes.  There are various ways that social engineer can occur. The following list the various types of forms of social engineering.  Phishing is achieved by sending  fraudulent emails purporting to be from a reputable company in order to induce individuals to provide credit card numbers, usernames, password, SSN and any other PII.  Spear phishing is act  of sending emails from a known sender for the purpose of inducing users to reveal confidential information and PII. An example of this is when, Attackers  personalize an email and impersonate specific senders and use other techniques to bypass traditional email defenses. The purpose is to fool users into clicking a link or opening an attachment. The attachments usually contain malware that affects the user’s device and obtains financia