
Showing posts with the label sensitive data

What is Personally Identifiable Information ?

What is Personal Data? In the US personal data is known as personally identifiable  information (PII).   Generally, it is defined as information that can be reasonably linked to an individual, using persistent identifiers.  Federal and State statutes determine a more specific definition of PII (GLBA, HIPAA, Privacy Act, ect). For example, under HIPAA there are 18 points of personally identifiable information . The pieces of identifiable information are as follows:  Name, address, city, county, zip, precinct, DOB, admission date, discharge date, date of death, ages over 80, Telephone/Fax #, Email address, SSN, Medical record #, Health plan #, Account#, Certificate/license #, Vehicle (VIN, Plate#), Device ID and Serial #, URL, Biometric ID (finger print, voice print), Full-face photographs,  and ny other unique identifiers. In the   EU (GDPR), personal data is defined as data related to an identifiable natural person, who can be identified (directly or indirectly) by reference